Tuesday 18 January 2022

It Is Still Here!

Guess who I saw in St. Thomas?  After almost three months unseen, our most interested and long stay rare-bird, the Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis), popped back onto the birding radar.  Many of us thought it had moved on from the island and even more so when the said species was reported in the neighboring island of Grenada on January 14, but the images of that bird, a beautiful male, showed it was not our kite.  Then yesterday (Monday 17th), as I was driving through the parish of St. Thomas I saw her.   She looked in good health, which is good to see. Here are a few images of her, is this not a gorgeous bird?



  1. Very cool - as long as snails are around she will be happy..until mating season!

    1. She use to feed mainly on red crabs since we don't have apple snails but the last time I saw her she went after something in some shrubs next to a pond, I was hoping to see what it was but the hunt was unsuccessful.
