Friday 3 August 2018

Another Rare Tern at inch Marlow

Willet - Tringa semipalmata

I am finding myself birding at Inch Marlow’s beach more than normal.  These are not planned trips I just happened to be in the area, but it is proving to be very rewarding.  On July 25th, I saw a Gull-billed Tern, a rare bird for the island, then on July 30th three Willets and now today, August 2nd another rare tern, and this time it is a Least Tern Sternula antillarum
Least Tern Sternula antillarum

Least Terns are among the smallest terns in the world, about 8.5” to 9” and has a wingspan of around 20”.  It breeds in North America, the Caribbean and parts of South America while it winters in the Caribbean and Central and South America.  These birds are separated from most terns by its yellow legs and bill.

Inch Marlow is shaping up to be one of the exciting spots to bird this migration. 

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