Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) |
I was so busy this month that I forgot to mention I reached
my 100th bird species for the year; actually my tally now stands at
103 species. My 100th bird
was a Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) I saw it in the parish
of St. Lucy on November 11th.
It took me by surprise as it was hawking for insects over a pond with Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). Bird 101
was discovered by Dr. John Webster on November 11th, a Wilson
Phalarope, in the parish of St. Philip.
I saw it the following day, thanks John for the heads up. My 102nd bird was one that went
missing from the island’s checklist for about two years but American Wigeons (Mareca
Americana) are back! I saw two males
at the Chancery Lane’s Swamp, hurray! My
103rd was another duck but this time it was a diving duck, a Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis). This duck,
well twelve of them were seen in a flooded cane field at Padmore, St.
Philip. The ducks were sharing the pond
with 100+ Blue-winged Teals, the largest flock I have seen for the year by far.
My goal now, is to break my highest year
total of 104 species. Can I do it? I have a whole month to try. Lets see.
Enjoy your birding