Saturday 20 April 2019

The Flight of the Red-footed Booby (images)

My first time meeting Koning and realizing she was not a Masked but a Red-footed Booby

Frist attempt at releasing her 

Exercising her wings

sitting on her cage

calling out from the hills 

watching birds go by- she is eyeing two noisy Caribbean Martins

back to the cage for you - Dr. Hatcher 

 Second Attempt 

beautiful day for flight
Exercising her wings

getting a hand!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing this on your blog. I am always delighted to hear of the birding exploits in Barbados. Here in Ottawa, we are experiencing flooding and this is preventing me from visiting the sites where I like to go to see the returnees. Last week, however, I did see a lifer for me, a male Ruby-crowned Kinglet (mind you most birds are lifers at this point as I don't get out that often...). Keep up the blogging.
