Eurasian Spoonbill - Platalea leucorodia seen on January 20th |
the start of a new year it would normally take me just a few days to track down
and record all or most of, the rare birds that rolled over from the previous
year. That was not the case for 2018,
this year it took me most of January to do so and I still have one outstanding.
Fulvous Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna bicolor on on January 11th |
saw my first and second rarities on January 11th in a small pond at
The Hope, St. Lucy. I really only
expected to see one, the Fulvous
Whistling Duck but was happily surprised to see a juvenile Purple Gallinule, a bird that I missed
last year, strolling out of the grass. I
did not have my camera with me but returned the following day to snap a few
photos of these two beauties.
Purple Gallinule - Porphyrio martinica on January 11th |
next rarity was not recorded until the 20th in the eastern parish of
St. Philip and it was the Eurasian Spoonbill. This was a bird that was first seen by my
son, Jason, on November 30th last year while we were out birding and
I was happy to see it was still around.
Pacific Golden-Plover - Pluvialis fulva On
January 27th |
January 27th I recorded two more Euro rarities from last year in the
parish of St. Philip. A Pacific Golden Plover, who was feeling
at home among a flock of over 50 Black-bellied
Plovers, and a very wary Grey Heron. The Pacific
Golden Plover is believed to be the same one first seen on May 4th,
2017 and reappeared in December while the Grey
Heron was nothing like the Grey Heron
that was at this same location a year ago. That bird was more tolerant, but this guy, of which
its first winter appearance was recorded in November, flies the coup at the
first sign of visitors.
Glossy Ibis in the north is the only roll-over rare bird I was unable to see
thus far in 2018. With the local birding
scene slowing, I will try to see it sometime in February once it is still here.