Ruddy Turnstone @ Oistins |
I was unable to take part fully in the 20th Great
Backyard Bird Count which took place over the last weekend, but still tallied 46
species at the end of it. I got out on
the first day, Friday 17th, and the last day, Monday 20th.
I added 1 species to my year bird count
and four images to my Photographic Big
Year challenge.
Friday 17th
Two Least and a Semipalmated Sandpiper @ WSR |
I opened my 2017 GBBC account with an afternoon visit to the
Woodbourne Shorebird Refuge (WSR) and a private location in the East of the
island. I recorded 23 species at WSR
including a continuing family of Black-crowned
Night Heron1 and a Belted
Kingfisher2. The other birds were Lesser Scaup3, Great Egret4, Little Egret5,
Little Blue Heron6, Cattle Egret7, Green Heron8,
Common Gallinule9, Least sandpiper10, Semipalmated Sandpiper11, Spotted
Sandpiper12, Solitary Sandpiper13, Greater14
and Lesser Yellowlegs15, Common Ground Dove16, Caribbean
Elaenia17, Gray kingbird18, Northern Waterthrush19,
Yellow Warbler20, Bananaquit21, Barbados Bullfinch22
and Carib Grackle23.
0ne of three Stilt Sandpipers seen on first day |
A new bird for the year, a Stilt Sandpiper24, was the highlight of my second stop. It took my current year tally to 59 species .
A handsome Grey Heron25 was still showing well, it was a staple at
this location for over a month and is a fine example of this Eurasian heron. These were among the 8 species added to my GBBC
count ending the first day with 31 species. Here are the other species: Ruddy Turnstone26, Black-bellied
Plover27, Scaly-naped Pigeon28, Eurasian Dove29,
Zenaida Dove30 and Eared
Monday 20th
Belted Kingfisher @ Six Men's Bay |
Monday, the final
day of the GBBC, I was able to make two stops in the morning and two in the
afternoon. In the morning I added 6
species- Magnificent Frigatebird32, Sanderling33,
Belted Kingfisher34, Caribbean Martin35, Masked Duck36,
Black-whiskered Vireo37 and Sora38. The afternoon’s 2 locations added Blue-winged
Teal39, Pied-billed Grebe40, Great Blue Heron41,
Rock Pigeon42 (a year bird), Antillean Crested Hummingbird43,
Shiny-cow Bird44, Black-faced Grassquit45 and
Snowy Egret46.
I would have loved
to participate more fully in the 20th GBBC but there will always be
next year. Enjoy your birding!